Historical Context & Elections – UPSC Indian Polity Notes

When the Constituent Assembly was established, India was still a part of British rule.

  • The Constituent Assembly was established following negotiations between Indian Political groups, and the members of the Cabinet Mission of 1946 sent from the United Kingdom.
  • After the provincial assembly elections in early 1946, the Constituent Assembly members were elected indirectly by the members of the newly elected provincial assemblies. 
  • The Constituent Assembly had 389 representatives, including 15 women.
  • On the 2nd September of 1946, the interim government headed by Jawaharlal Nehru was formed.
  • The Congress Party held a large majority of the Constituent Assembly, with 69% of the seats.
  • The Muslim League held nearly all the seats, which were reserved for the Muslims in the Assembly.
  • Parties such as the Unionist Party of India, Communist Party of India, and the Scheduled Caste Federation were also a part of the Constituent Assembly.
  • In June of 1947, the provinces that were a part Section B & C, as proposed by the Cabinet Mission, like Sindh, Balochistan, North West Frontier Province, and East Bengal, called back their representatives.
  • Hence, the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was formed with its meeting in Karachi.
  • On 15 August 1947, India was partitioned in the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan.
  • The members of the Constituent Assembly, who had not withdrawn, went on to form the Indian Parliament.

Constitution and Elections

  • The Assembly began its first session on 9th December 1946.
  • 211 members attended the first meeting.
  • The Constituent Assembly approved the draft of the Constitution on 26th November 1949.
  • On 26th January 1950, the Constitution came into effect.
  • The Constituent Assembly, thus, became the Provisional Parliament of India, which continued till the first elections under the new constitution in 1952.


  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first elected President of the Constituent Assembly.
  • HC Mukherjee was elected as the vice-president of the Constituent Assembly.
  • B.N. Rau was appointed as the constitutional advisor to the assembly.

The assembly worked in five stages:

  • Stage 1: Committees presented reports on issues
  • Stage 2: B.N. Rau prepared the initial draft based on the reported issues, and did his research into the constitution of other nations.
  • Stage 3: The drafting committee, chaired by B.R Ambedkar, presented a detailed draft of the Constitution, which was later published for public discussion.
  • Stage 4: Draft Constitution was discussed, and amendments were proposed and enacted.
  • Stage 4: The Constitution was adopted.

Timeline of the formation of the Indian Constitution

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