Examine the potential of wind energy in India and explain the reasons for their limited spatial spread.

Examine the potential of wind energy in India and explain the reasons for their limited spatial spread. (Answer in 150 words) 10M

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Electricity can be generated using the kinetic energy of moving air, which is made possible by utilizing the wind. The energy conversion process involves wind turbines or wind energy conversion systems that convert the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy.


  • The wind energy potential in India is estimated to be around 60 GW.
    • This figure is likely to increase significantly in the future as some of the outdated wind power stations, with low capacity, may be replaced by newer wind turbines that have higher capacity.
  • The oceans represent an unexplored area with potential for energy production.
    • Worldwide, exploration of ocean-based energy is still in its early stages.
    • The eastern coast of India is frequently affected by cyclones.
      • India has a coastline that extends approximately 7,516.6 km, and within its exclusive economic zones, there are abundant opportunities to generate wind energy.
  • According to the National Institute for Wind Energy, located in Chennai, western states in India possess greater potential for consistent, constant, and rapid wind flow.
    • Tamil Nadu is currently one of the top wind energy-producing states in India, as of 2022.


  • Wind energy must contend with other inexpensive sources of energy.
  • Local wildlife may be affected by the presence of wind turbines.
  • If a wind farm occupies a culturally or historically significant area, it may face opposition from the public.
  • Absence of infrastructure and institutions for Research and Development (R&D) can be a limiting factor.

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