Why is the South-West Monsoon called 'Purvaiya' (easterly) in Bhojpur Region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region?

Why is the South-West Monsoon called ‘Purvaiya’ (easterly) in Bhojpur Region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region? (Answer in 150 words) 10


The South-West Monsoon holds immense importance in India as it brings crucial rains, with its regional names often mirroring its local significance and cultural impact. In the Bhojpur area, encompassing sections of Bihar, Jharkhand, and eastern Uttar Pradesh, the southwest monsoon is colloquially known as ‘Purvaiya,’ which translates to ‘easterly.’


In the Bhojpur Region, the South-West Monsoon is known as ‘Purvaiya’ (easterly):

  • Monsoonal winds: The southwest monsoon is distinguished by prevailing winds carrying moisture from the southwest.
  • Westward turn: As these monsoonal winds advance over the Eastern Indian subcontinent, they veer westward and gradually change course due to geographic barriers like the Meghalaya plateau and the Purvanchal Himalayas.
  • Directional shift: Consequently, the winds over the Bhojpur region arrive from the east, rather than their actual origin in the southwest.
    • Locally, ‘Purva’ signifies east, hence these easterlies are termed ‘Purvaiya’.

How has this seasonal wind system impacted the cultural fabric of the region?

  • Agriculture: The advent of the “Purvaiya” signifies the onset of the monsoon season, which holds significant cultural importance in an agrarian society. Farmers eagerly anticipate this event to commence their crop sowing activities.
  • Festivals: The region commonly observes rain-themed festivals like Teej and Sawan. These festivities entail prayers and rituals aimed at ensuring the prosperity of crops and agricultural well-being. Notably, important celebrations such as Chhath Puja often coincide with this time.
  • Songs: Numerous traditional songs and lyrics center around the arrival of the “Purvaiya” and its influence on farming and rural livelihoods.
  • Cuisine: Local culinary practices embrace seasonal and monsoon-specific dishes such as ghughni and perukia, incorporating ingredients that flourish during this particular period.
  • Architecture: Traditional architecture in the Bhojpur Region is tailored to accommodate the climatic conditions brought about by the monsoon. For instance, houses may feature sloping roofs designed to efficiently drain rainwater.


Hence, the southwest monsoon, fondly known as “Purvaiya” in the Bhojpur Region, transcends mere meteorological significance; it constitutes an essential element of the region’s cultural tapestry and way of living.

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