
Prehistoric Period of India

People in Ancient History used a lot of different tools, and based on the tools they used, the prehistoric period has been divided into the following –

  • Paleolithic Period: 2 million BC – 10,000 BC
  • Mesolithic Period: 10,000 BC – 8000 BC
  • Neolithic Period: 8000 BC – 4000 BC
  • Chalcolithic Period/Copper/Bronze age: 4000 BC – 1500 BC
  • Iron Age: 1500 BC – 200 BC
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Paleolithic Period: 2 million BC – 10,000 BC

Prehistoric Period: Paleolithic period or Old Stone age –

Credits – britannica.com

The Paleolithic period site was found in a small place called Bori, present-day Maharashtra. We find all the scientific records for the tools used in early India.

Mainly, the people then used stone and pebbles for hunting, cutting, and other daily activities.
Cultivation, housing, settlements, and domestication of animals was unknown then. The Paleolithic period is further divided into three periods –

  • Lower Paleolithic Age: up to 100,000 BC
  • Middle Paleolithic Age: 100,000 BC – 40,000 BC
  • Upper Paleolithic Age: 40,000 BC – 10,000 BC
Lower Paleolithic Age: up to 100,000 BC
Credits – Britannica Kids

In this period, we mainly see the use of hand axes, choppers and cleavers for activities like hunting and cutting. Further, stone tools were used for daily activities like chopping, digging etc. Use of limestone for hunting is also known. Kashmir, Thar, Saurashtra, Soan, and other parts of Central India were major sites of the lower paleolithic age.

  • Some caves and shelters have been found in present-day Bhimbetka, a lower paleolithic site in Madhya Pradesh.
  • It continued till the 100,000 BC.
Middle Paleolithic Age: 100,000 BC – 40,000 BC
Credits – polyeyes.com

This period saw the use of flake tools for hunting. Some advancements in understanding led to developments like blades, scrapers and pointers to use for hunting. Apart from this, they also realized the efficiency of a light-weight & thinner tool, and as we see it.

Major sites of Middle Paleolithic period include –

  • Part of Central India
  • Maharashtra
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Karnataka
  • Belan Valley
  • Son
  • Narmada river
Upper Paleolithic Age: 40,000 BC – 10,000 BC
Credits – shorthistory.org

This period saw the coming of Homo Sapiens. We started to use tools out of animal and human bones. Apart from these, the use of blades, tools for fishing, needles, and harpoons is known.

Major sites of the Upper Paleolithic period include –

  • Maharashtra
  • Odisha
  • Chotanagpur Plateau
  • Part of Ganga and Belan Valley
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Karnataka

Mesolithic Period: 10,000 BC – 8000 BC

Credits – shorthistory.org

In the Mesolithic period, we saw a change in climate, as it became warmer. This can be concluded as we see a lot of changes in the flora and fauna present in this time period. Further, we also see a shift of people to newer areas.

The Mesolithic period is when the domestication of animals started. Dog was the first domestic animal. Later, we also see that some of them started to domesticate goats and sheeps.

However, we still haven’t found a settlement yet, and hunting and gathering continued in this period. We see the use of microliths in this period. Further, tools used in this period include knives, arrows, harpoon, stickles, doggers, triangles, etc.

Major sites of the Mesolithic period include –

  • Brahmagiri (Mysore)
  • Narmada
  • Vindhya
  • Gujarat
  • UP
  • Sojat (Rajasthan)
  • Bhimbetka
  • Godavari Basin
  • Sarai Nahar Rai

Neolithic Period: 8000 BC – 4000 BC

Credits – andedge.com

The Neolithic period saw the emergence of agriculture. Polished and finished stones were used. People discovered fire. Wheat, Ragi and Horse gram were the crops cultivated in this period. We also find disposed of dead bodies from this period. Settlement meant people started living in mud houses.

In India, the Neolithic period started from 7000 BC to 1000 BC. North Indian sites of the Neolithic period date older than 5000 BC. Sites from South India range from 2500 BC, while Eastern India dates back to less than 1000 BC.

Major sites of Neolithic period –

  • Mehrgarh
  • Burzahom in Kashmir
  • Hallur in Andhra Pradesh
  • Chirand in Bihar
  • Inamgaon
  • Daojali Hading

Chalcolithic Period/Copper/Bronze age: 4000 BC – 1500 BC

Credits – India Shastra

We see a lot of use of low grade Bronze and Copper in the Chalcolithic period, a reason why it was named this. It is also known as the Stone-Copper phase.

People started settling near rivers and hills, to get access to water for various purposes. Agricultural practices improved in this period.

The Indus Valley Civilization was a Chalcolithic site, dating 2700 BC to 1900 BC. People also had knowledge of spinning and weaving, and hence we see a lot of clothes being used, of different patterns.

Major sites of the Chalcolithic period –

  • Brahmagiri Navada Toli (Narmada region)
  • Chirand (Ganga region)
  • Mahishadal (West Bengal)

Iron Age: 1500 BC – 200 BC

Aryans arrived in this period, and the Iron Age started. We also see the emergence of Jainism and Buddhism in this period. Janpadas and Mahajanpadas were raised. We have the first major civilization formed along the bank of Ganga, after the Indus Valley Civilization.

Major sites of Iron age –

  • Malhar
  • Dadupur
  • Raja Nala ka Tila
  • Kosanbi and Jhusi
  • Allahabad
  • Lahuradewa

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