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Preamble of India – Original Text – UPSC Notes

Following is the original text of the Preamble of India!

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:

JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;


Debate Summary of the Preamble

The Constituent Assembly debated the Preamble on 17th October 1949, which involved talks around the name ‘India’, and the inclusion of words like ‘Gandhi’, ‘God’.

There was an urge to rename India to “Union of Indian Socialistic Republics”. Members however, were not convinced with the suggestion, suggesting that they went against the adopted constitutional idea.

There was also discussion over the sentence “in the name of God”. While some didn’t agree to this, some members believed that inclusion of God would amount to “compulsion of faith”. This could violate the fundamental right to freedom of faith.

There was a demand to include the name “Gandhi” in the Preamble. But many opposed the association of Gandhi.

FAQs on the Preamble of India

  1. Q: What is the significance of the term “Sovereign” in the Preamble of India?
    • A: The term “Sovereign” signifies that India is an independent nation with full authority over its internal and external affairs. It implies freedom from external control and interference.
  2. Q: Why was there a debate over renaming India to “Union of Indian Socialistic Republics” during the Preamble discussions?
    • A: There was a suggestion to rename India, but it was not accepted. Members felt that such a change would go against the constitutional idea already adopted, and the proposal for “Union of Indian Socialistic Republics” was not convincing.
  3. Q: What was the debate around the inclusion of the words “in the name of God” in the Preamble?
    • A: Some members opposed the inclusion of the phrase “in the name of God” in the Preamble, arguing that it could compel faith and violate the fundamental right to freedom of religion. This sparked discussions about the secular nature of the Indian Republic.
  4. Q: Why was there a demand to include the name “Gandhi” in the Preamble, and what was the outcome of this demand?
    • A: There was a demand to include the name “Gandhi” in the Preamble, but it faced opposition. Many members were against associating an individual’s name, even that of Mahatma Gandhi, with the Preamble, and the suggestion was not accepted.
  5. Q: What key values are emphasized in the Preamble, and how do they shape the foundation of the Indian Republic?
    • A: The Preamble emphasizes justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as fundamental values. These principles guide the formation of a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic, ensuring the dignity of individuals and the unity and integrity of the nation.

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