NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ENGLISH – Chapter 9 – What Happened to the Reptiles

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Unit 9 – What Happened to the Reptiles

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Unit 9 – What Happened to the Reptiles of the Supplementary Reader – A Pact with the Sun can be downloaded for free from ThoughtChakra. These solutions will help students to answer the textbook and exercise questions easily and also enhance their English writing skills. The NCERT Solutions of Class 6 English have been solved by our team of experts to provide well-structured solutions for Class 6 students.

The story, “What Happened to the Reptiles,” is about Pambupatti, a peaceful village that is home to a variety of people. Long ago, only reptiles lived in the forest, and the story discusses how the absence of different reptiles disrupted the lives of other living beings. This chapter enlightens students that every living creature has a crucial role to play in the environment. It emphasizes the importance of co-existence and living in peace and harmony with all living creatures. To gain more insights about the story, students can refer to NCERT Solutions, available for free.

You can download these NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English in PDF format through the link provided below.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Unit 9 – What Happened to the Reptiles

Exercise Questions

Question 1:

In what way is Pambupatti different from any other village?


In Pambupatti, everyone lived without fighting or arguing about religion or language. This made Pambupatti stand out and be different from other villages.

Question 2:

Why is Prem determined not to return to his village?


Prem was very sure he didn’t want to go back to his village. There were dangerous fights and hate between different groups of people in his village. Houses were being set on fire, and people were hurting and even killing each other. It was not a safe place to live anymore.

Question 3:

Why did Makara dislike tortoises, snakes and lizards? Write a line about each.


Makara didn’t like tortoises because they were slow and carried their homes on their backs.

Makara didn’t like snakes because they were slippery, made odd sounds, and were dangerous.

Makara didn’t like lizards because they did weird things like changing colors, which made them unpredictable.

Question 4:

What went wrong when the tortoises, snakes and lizards left the forest?


After the tortoises, snakes, and lizards left the forest, things got difficult. The forest started smelling bad because the tortoises were not there to clean up rotting fruits and animals. Rats took over when the snakes left because there was no one to keep their population in check. Without lizards, insects grew in huge numbers and multiplied.

Question 5:

Why do you think Prem wants to tell the story of the reptiles to the people of his village?


Prem wanted to share the reptile story with his village folks because he saw that they were fighting for no reason and causing harm to each other. He wanted his people to live calmly and follow the rules. The reptile story showed how living peacefully like Pambupatti was important.

Question 6:

Do you agree that it is difficult not to go along with someone who is very strong and powerful? Express your views frankly and clearly.


In simple words, regular people prefer peace and often feel scared or weak compared to those who are powerful. Many times, they fear powerful people because they misuse their authority. Normally, ordinary people try to keep themselves safe by following the strong. However, if these everyday people gather courage, stand up to the bullies, and express their thoughts against the powerful, they can overcome oppression and create a peaceful and harmonious society.

Question 7:

If you were a baby crocodile, would you tell Makara that he was wrong? What would you say to convince him?


If I were a young crocodile, I would talk to Makara about what could happen to the forest if the other reptiles left. I would also emphasize that every creature has the right to live where they want. It’s important for strong individuals to take care of the weaker ones and not use their power wrongly. So, all living things depend on each other and play a crucial part in keeping the Earth’s environment in balance and harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions about NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Supplementary Chapter 9

Q1: Why is it good to download the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Supplementary Chapter 9 in PDF?

Downloading the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 9 PDF is helpful because it has answers to all the questions in the textbook. The solutions are made to suit the understanding level of students. They follow the CBSE syllabus and exam pattern, which helps students prepare confidently for their exams. Plus, it helps them manage their time during exams.

Q2: How do NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 9 benefit students?

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 9 are beneficial for students in several ways:

They provide fully solved answers for all the questions in the NCERT textbook in an easy-to-understand PDF format.

The language used is simple and student-friendly, making learning enjoyable.

Expert educators prepare these solutions after thorough research on each concept.

The solutions are available in PDF format, organized chapter-wise and exercise-wise, making it easier for students to learn.

Q3: Why does Prem want to share the story of the reptiles with the people in his village, as per NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 9?

Prem wished to share the story of the reptiles with his village because he realized that many in the village were unnecessarily involved in communal violence. He wanted them to live peacefully and maintain law and order. The story of the reptiles emphasized the importance of living together in peace and harmony, similar to how it was in Pambupatti.

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