NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ENGLISH – Chapter 7 – Fair Play

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 7 Fair Play

Working with the text

A. Match the sentences under I with those under II


1. Jumman and Algu were the best of friends.

2. Jumman’s aunt transferred her property to him.

3. The aunt decided to appeal to the panchayat.

4. Algu was unwilling to support the aunt.

5. Jumman was very happy to hear Algu’s name as head Panch.


1. He believed that his friend would never go against him.

2. She wanted justice.

3. In the absence of one, the other took care of his family.

4. The condition was that he would be responsible for her welfare.

5. The bond of friendship between him and Jumman was very strong.


Jumman and Algu were the best of friends.In the absence of one, the other took care of his family.
Jumman’s aunt transferred her property to him.The condition was that he would be responsible for her welfare.
The aunt decided to appeal to the panchayat.She wanted justice.
Algu was unwilling to support the aunt.The bond of friendship between him and Jumman was very strong.
Jumman was very happy to hear Algu’s name as head Panch.He believed that his friend would never go against him.

B. Who says this to whom and why?

1. “My wife knows best how to run the house.”

2. “But is it right, my son, to keep mum and not say what you consider just and fair?”

3. “What have you to say in your defense?”

4. “I can’t pay you a penny for the wretched beast you sold me.”

5. “Victory to the panchayat. This is justice.”


1. Jumman tells his aunt this because she asks for money every month.

2. Jumman’s aunt says this to Algu because he doesn’t want to go against Jumman and support her.

3. Algu tells this to Jumman when he becomes the judge for Jumman’s aunt. He said this because he wanted to be fair and not take sides.

4. Sahu said this to Algu because the ox that Algu had given to Sahu passed away within a month, and Sahu hadn’t paid Algu for it.

5. Algu shouts this to the people nearby when Jumman makes a fair decision.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. “Then the situation changed.” What is being referred to?


The aunt’s situation in Jumman’s house changed. At first, she was looked after, but later things changed, and she was treated badly.

2. When Jumman’s aunt realized that she was not welcome in his house, what arrangement did she suggest?


She proposed that Jumman give her money every month because she couldn’t bear the disrespect anymore. She wanted to prepare her meals separately.

3. What was the villagers’ reaction when the aunt explained her case to them?


The villagers reacted in different ways. Some felt sorry for her, some laughed, and others suggested she reconcile with Jumman and his wife.

4. Why was Jumman happy over Algu’s nomination as head Panch?


Jumman was glad that Algu was chosen as the head judge because Algu was his friend, and he believed Algu would not make a decision that went against him.

5. “God lives in the heart of the Panch.” the aunt said. What did she mean?


She wanted to tell Algu that being a judge (Panch) is a very important role, like being God. So, he should always be fair and treat everyone equally.

6. What was Algu’s verdict as head Panch? How did Jumman take it?


Algu made a decision that surprised Jumman. He told Jumman to give money to his aunt every month. Jumman was really unhappy about this decision, and he started thinking of Algu as his enemy.

7. Algu found himself in a tight spot. What was his problem?


Algu had sold a bull to Sahu. Sahu had said he would pay for it in a month. Sadly, the bull passed away within that month.

Algu faced a difficult situation because Sahu didn’t want to pay for the bull that had died.

8. Why was Algu upset over Jumman’s nomination as head Panch?


Algu was unhappy when Jumman was chosen as the head judge because he was sure that Jumman would try to get back at him for the decision Algu had made before.

9. What was Jumman’s verdict as head Panch? How did Algu take it?


When Jumman became the main judge, he considered taking revenge for a moment. But then he remembered he was in the role of a judge and needed to be fair. Jumman’s decision was that Sahu had to pay Algu the money for the bull.

Algu was really joyful with the decision. He started shouting, saying that it was a win for the Panchayat.

10. Which of the following sums up the story best?

(i) “I also know that you will not kill your conscience for the sake of friendship.”

(ii) “Let no one deviate from the path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity.”

(iii) “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God.”

Give a reason for your choice.


In my view, the phrase “Everyone should stick to doing what’s right and fair, regardless of friendship or conflict” captures the essence of the story. It explains why Jumman and Algu couldn’t make unfair decisions while being judges. Fairness should always be the priority.

Working with the language

A. Replace the italicized portion of each sentence below with a suitable phrase from the box. Make necessary changes, wherever required.

look after                                  swallow               make it up              keep mum go intoease one’s conscience            as ill luck              would have ita tight spot                               take chances       my heart sank

1. The best way to avoid an unnecessary argument is to remain silent.

2. Unfortunately, the train I was trying to catch was cancelled.

3. He has been told not to take risks while driving a car through a crowded street.

4. He has been told not to take risks while driving a car through a crowded street.

5. The patient needs to be properly taken care of.

6. Why don’t the two of you end your quarrel by shaking hands?

7. I was in a difficult situation till my friends came to my rescue.

8. When I saw a pile of dirty dishes, I felt very disappointed.

9. I will examine the matter carefully before commenting on it.

10. They criticized him in the meeting but he accepted without protest all the criticism.

11. It will free me from worry to know that I had done nothing wrong.


1. The best way to avoid an unnecessary argument is to keep mum.

2. As ill luck would have it, the train I was trying to catch was cancelled.

3. He has been told not to take chances while driving a car through a crowded street.

4. He has been told not to take chances while driving a car through a crowded street.

5. The patient needs to be properly looked after.

6. Why don’t the two of you make it up by shaking hands?

7. I was in a tight spot till my friends came to my rescue.

8. When I saw a pile of dirty dishes, my heart sank.

9. I will go into the matter carefully before commenting on it.

10. They criticized him in the meeting but he swallowed all the criticism.

11. It will ease my conscience to know that I had done nothing wrong.

B. Look at the following phrases and their meanings. Use the phrases to fill in the blanks in the sentences given below

set up — put in place or start
set aside — save or keep for a particular purpose
set down — write or record
set out — start on a journey
set in — begin and seem likely to continue

1. Why don’t you ________________ your ideas on paper?

2. A fund has been ________________ for the soldiers’ families.

3. We should ________________ a little money every month.

4. You should buy some woolens before winter ________________.

5. They ________________ on the last stage of their journey.


1. Why don’t you set down your ideas on paper?

2. A fund has been set up for the soldiers’ families.

3. We should set aside a little money every month.

4. You should buy some woolens before winter sets in.

5. They set out on the last stage of their journey.

Speaking and Writing

A. Look at the following picture. One asks a question, and the other answers it. Then the answer is noted in a form as shown below.

Answer: Do it yourself.

B. Work in small groups. Ask your partner the questions given below. If possible, ask him/her a reason for saying Yes or No. Then tick Yes/No, whichever is proper.

1. Do you have a separate room for sleep and study? Yes/No

2. Would you prefer to live in a joint family? Yes/No

3. Do you get on with people? Yes/No

4. Do you like the area you live in? Yes/No

5. Do you find the place overcrowded? Yes/No

6. Do you use public transport? Yes/No

7. Would you like a vehicle of our own? Yes/No

8. Do you like reading? Yes/No

9. Would you like to be a teacher/doctor/engineer/architect? Yes/No

Answer: Do it yourself.

C. Now that you have completed the above project, write a brief report stating what you did, how you did it and the conclusion.


I posed these questions to my friend, and he was open in providing all the answers. He explained why he chose each answer. He then asked me the same questions, and I responded in detail, giving reasons for my yes or no.

This helped us grasp our preferences and dislikes. It also enabled us to understand each other’s preferences and situations more comprehensively.


Your teacher will speak the words listed below. Write against each a word of opposite meaning.


liquid solid

hard soft

1. old ____________

2. wet ____________

3. open ____________

4. blunt ____________

5. forget ____________


1. old – new

2. wet – dry

3. open – close

4. blunt – sharp

5. forget – remember

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