NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ENGLISH – Chapter 5 – A Different Kind of School

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 5 A Different Kind Of School

Working with the text

Question A:

Put these sentences from the story in the right order and write them out in a paragraph. Don’t refer to the text.

  • I shall be so glad when today is over.
  • Having a leg tied up and hopping about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess.
  • I don’t think I’ll mind being deaf for a day — at least not much.
  • But being blind is so frightening.
  • Only you must tell me about things.
  • Let’s go for a little walk.
  • The other bad days can’t be half as bad as this.


Let’s go for a little walk. Only you must tell me about things. I shall be so glad when today is over. The other bad days can’t be half as bad as this. Having a leg tied up and hopping about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess. I don’t think I’ll mind being deaf for a day — at least not much. But being blind is so frightening.

Question B:

Answer the following questions

1. Why do you think the writer visited Miss Beam’s school? (1)

2. What was the ‘game’ that every child in the school had to play? (9)

3. “Each term every child has one blind day, one lame day…” Complete the line. Which day was the hardest? Why was it the hardest? (9, 11, 15)

4. What was the purpose of these special days? (5, 9)


The author had received high praise for the innovative teaching methods employed at Miss Beam’s school. Intrigued, they decided to pay a visit to the school and experience these methods firsthand.

At Miss Beam’s school, a distinctive aspect of their teaching involved each child taking on the role of being blind, deaf, mute, injured, or lame for a day. This activity was framed as a kind of ‘game’ and was an integral part of the educational process.

“Every term, every student has a designated blind day, lame day, deaf day, injured day, and dumb day,” the author learned. Of all these designated days, the blind day was considered the most challenging. On that day, students had to convincingly act blind without peeking from their blindfolds, making it a nerve-wracking experience. The fear of collision or injury loomed over them throughout the day.

The primary objective of these special days was to provide the students with a firsthand encounter with adversity. By temporarily assuming a disability, the students could empathize with individuals who live with these conditions from birth and develop a deeper respect for those in need within society. This training aimed to mold the students into compassionate and responsible individuals.

Working with language

Question A:

Match the words and phrases with their meanings in the box below.

WordsParagraph Numbers
it pains me(7)
almostit hurts meterribletest the strength of
understanding the difficultieswanting to be homea welcome changenot very caring


homesickwanting to be home
it pains meit hurts me
appreciateunderstanding the difficulties
thoughtfullnessnot very caring
exercisetest the strength of
reliefa welcome charge

Question B:

Re-word these lines from the story:

1. I had heard a great deal about Miss Beam’s school.

2. Miss Beam was all that I had expected — middle-aged, full of authority.

3. I went to the window which overlooked a large garden.

4. “We cannot bandage the children’s mouths, so they really have to exercise their will-power.”


1. The writer had been informed extensively about the distinct teaching approaches at Miss Beam’s school.

2. Miss Beam, as anticipated, came across as a woman in her middle years exuding a strong sense of authority.

3. Gazing out of the window, the writer took in the expansive garden.

4. The children were required to demonstrate willpower in order to maintain silence.

Question C:

1. Given below is a page from a dictionary. Look at it carefully and

(i) find a word which means the same as ghastly. Write down the word and its two meanings.

(ii) find a word meaning a part of the school year.

(iii) find a word that means examination.


  1. Ghastly: Frightful – invoking fear, extremely unpleasant
  2. Term: A defined duration of time, a segment of the school year
  3. Test: To inspect or examine something to ascertain its correctness or proper functioning, to inquire by asking questions

2. Now make lists of

(i) all the words on the page (plus any more that you can think of) that begin with terr-

(ii) five words that may follow the last word on the page, that.

(iii) write down your own meaning of the word thank. Then write down the meaning given in the dictionary.


(i) Terr: terrace, terrible, terribly, territory, terrify, terror, terrain

(ii) That: boy, house, car, dog, question

(iii)Thank: To express gratitude to someone for help or service or show kindness. In the dictionary: To say we are grateful to someone.

Question D:

A poem for you to read

All but Blind

All but blind

In his chambered hole

Gropes for worms

The four-clawed Mole.

All but blind

In the evening sky

The hooded Bat

Twirls softly by.

All but blind

In the burning day

The Barn Owl blunders

On her way.

And blind as are

These three to me,

So, blind to Someone

I must be.


Speaking and Writing

Question A:

Make a short list of things you find difficult to do.

For example:

turning a somersault

threading a needle

Compare your list with the others’ in the class. Can you explain why you find these things difficult to do?


Activity to be done by yourself.

Question B:

Look at your hands carefully. Now, write down for each finger one action for which that finger is particularly important. For example, the second (or index) finger helps to hold the knife down firmly when cutting.


Fifth finger (Little finger/Pinky finger): It helps in supporting other fingers and making a fist.

Thumb: Facilitates gripping a pen or pencil during writing.

Index finger (Second finger): Aids in holding a knife for cutting vegetables or fruits.

Middle finger (Third finger): Assists in sketching and gripping a paintbrush while painting.

Ring finger (Fourth finger): Primarily used for wearing rings and providing support to other fingers.

Little finger/Pinky finger (Fifth finger): Supports adjacent fingers and contributes to making a fist.

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