NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ENGLISH – Chapter 10 – A Strange Wrestling Match

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 10 A Strange Wrestling Match

We have here the best and right answers to the questions in Chapter 10 of Class 6 English book, “A Strange Wrestling Match.” This helps you when you read “A Pact with the Sun,” which is an extra book for English. These answers come from NCERT Solutions for Class 6 and are great for getting ready for your exams.

In “A Strange Wrestling Match,” a funny and exciting story, we meet Vijay Singh. He likes to show off and say big things. Once, he says he wants to meet a ghost and teach it a lesson. People tell him to go to the Haunted Desert, and he agrees. An old lady in the village gives him a strange present. What happens next? Does he really see a ghost? You can find out by looking at the NCERT Solutions.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 10 A Strange Wrestling Match


Question 1: What was Vijay Singh’s weakness? Which awkward situation did it push him into?


Vijay Singh had a problem: he liked to brag. He said he wanted to meet a ghost and give it a lesson. This got him into an uncomfortable situation where people told him to go to the Haunted Desert, a place they believed had ghosts.

Question 2. Was the old woman’s gift to Vijay Singh eccentric? Why?


The old lady gave Vijay Singh a lump of salt and an egg. This gift was strange because Vijay Singh didn’t know why he would need it in the desert.

Question 3. Why did Vijay Singh ask the ghost disguised as Natwar to come closer?


Vijay Singh asked the ghost, who was pretending to be Natwar, to come closer. He wanted to see his opponent like any other good wrestler would.

Question 4. What made the ghost speechless? Why?


Vijay Singh acted like he wasn’t scared. He stared at Natwar’s face and told him he was just a fake, deceptive ghost. This surprised the ghost because usually, people got scared of him. But Vijay Singh was brave and sure of himself.

Question 5. Why did Vijay Singh say “Appearances can be deceptive”?


Vijay Singh said, “Looks can be misleading,” to tease the ghost. He wanted to prove to the ghost that he was confident and strong, capable of defeating him.


Question 1: How did Vijay Singh use the egg? How did he use the lump of salt?


Vijay Singh gave the ghost a rock and asked him to press it. He said the rock was full of liquid. The ghost couldn’t press the rock. Then, Vijay Singh insulted the ghost and carefully held the egg in his hand, taking the rock from the ghost. He pressed the egg, and the yellow liquid came out, making the ghost think he had pressed the rock.

Next, Vijay Singh dared the ghost to crush another rock, saying it was just salt. The ghost couldn’t crush the rock. So, Vijay Singh took the lump of salt from his pocket and the rock from the ghost. He crushed the lump of salt and let the rock fall into the dark. This showed that Vijay Singh was much stronger than the ghost.

Question 2. Why did Vijay Singh conclude that the ghost would not be a worthy opponent to him? Was he fair in his judgement?


Vijay Singh decided the ghost wasn’t a good match for him because the ghost couldn’t do the challenges he gave him. The ghost couldn’t crush the liquid-filled rock or break the salt rock.

But, Vijay Singh’s judgement wasn’t fair because he used tricky ways to show he was stronger than the ghost.

Question 3. Why did Vijay Singh ask the ghost to accompany him to town next day?


Vijay Singh invited the ghost to go to town with him the next day. He wanted to brag that he had defeated the ghost even in a fight. He hoped the ghost would come along like a captive.

Question 4. What made the ghost believe Vijay Singh was dead?


When the ghost hit the pillow, thinking it was Vijay Singh, there was no noise or reaction. This made the ghost think that Vijay Singh was no longer alive.

Question 5. Vijay Singh complained of insects in the cave. What was he referring to, and why?


Believing Vijay Singh was resting on the bed, the ghost hit him seven times with a strong club.

Vijay Singh said he felt like a small insect lightly touching him seven times. He said this to show that he was very strong, and the hits from the strong club felt weak, like a gentle touch from an insect.

Question 6. Was it really a ghost who Vijay Singh befooled? Who do you think it was?


No, the person Vijay Singh fooled wasn’t a real ghost. I believe he was a dishonest human who pretended to be a ghost. He would deceive people by making them believe he was a ghost and then steal their belongings when they were scared.

Frequently Asked Questions about NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 10

Q1. Are there any charges to download the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 10 from ThoughtChakra?

No, the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 10 from ThoughtChakra are completely free. These solutions are created by subject-matter experts to assist students in comprehending the chapter. The concepts are explained in a simple and clear manner to enhance students’ confidence. Using these solutions will also enhance students’ analytical and logical thinking abilities, which are important for exams. The solutions also help students save time by providing accurate answers to specific questions.

Q2. Is NCERT Solutions Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 10 the right book for CBSE Class 6 students?

Yes, NCERT is the appropriate book for CBSE Class 6 English students because it offers numerous practice questions. The book presents each topic uniquely, ensuring that the covered topics are concise yet comprehensive. It vividly explains all the variations of a particular concept through different questions.

Q3. Does ThoughtChakra’s website offer free NCERT Class 6 Supplementary English Solutions for Chapter 10?

Yes, these solutions can be freely viewed and downloaded in PDF format. Students who struggle with solving exercise-wise problems in the NCERT textbook can access the PDF solutions. Our experts have formulated the questions in the best way possible to assist students during exam preparation.

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