Elucidate the relationship between globalization and new technology in a world of scarce resources, with special reference to India. (Answer in 250 words) 15M

  • The process of globalization refers to the increasing interconnectivity and integration of world economies, societies, and cultures through the exchange of goods, services, technology, investments, and people across borders.
  • Resources are items that can be used to satisfy human needs and desires. They are often abundant in some nations and scarce in others, leading to cooperation between nations to meet mutual needs.
  • The relationship between globalization, new technology, and the scarcity of resources has both positive and negative aspects.

The positives of the relation between globalization and new technology, in context of scarce resources are

  • Natural Resources: Globalization fosters cooperation for the efficient use of resources, such as:
    • Energy: India has taken a global initiative through the International Solar Alliance (ISA) to address the shortage of fossil fuels by promoting solar energy.
    • Infrastructure: Organizations like the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI), initiated by India, promote technical knowledge and sustainability to make global contributions.
  • Defence: India engages with global players and partners such as Israel (Barak Missile), Philippines (Brahmos Missile), and Russia (AK-203) to address security challenges.
  • Space Cooperation: India collaborates globally with countries such as Russia and France (Gaganyaan), and the US (NISAR Satellites) to make the best use of expensive resources.
  • Transportation and Communication: Cooperation with global countries such as Japan (Bullet train) and the EU (5G) enhances infrastructure and communication networks.

Apart from the positive, there are negatives as well. Like

  • Brain Drain: Indian youth who have been trained in India are choosing to migrate to developed countries, depriving India of their potential for further development.
  • Large tech giants engaging in neo-tech-colonization under the guise of protecting data privacy and freedom of speech.
  • Diverting scarce resources towards technology adaptation, such as the Bullet train, instead of investing in humanitarian development.
  • Global relationships that promote the import of cutting-edge technologies are leading to a decrease in foreign exchange and a lack of technological research. For example, there is not a single successful Indian handset in the Indian market.
  • The monopoly and scarcity of strategic technologies are compromising the security of Indians, as seen in the Red Echo attack on the power supply in Mumbai using Chinese equipment.

Considering both the benefits and drawbacks of India’s engagement with the global world during a time of limited resources, it is crucial for us to become self-reliant while also seeking appropriate and strategic support from the global community to enhance our capabilities.

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