Discuss the impact of post-liberal economy on ethnic identity and communalism. (Answer in 250 words ) 15

Discuss the impact of post-liberal economy on ethnic identity and communalism. (Answer in 250 words ) 15


  • Introduction
    • Provide a concise overview of ethnic identity and communalism in the context of the post-liberal economy.
  • Body
    • Examine the impact of the post-liberal economy on ethnic identity.
    • Analyze the impact of the post-liberal economy on communalism.
    • Propose effective strategies for moving forward in this context.
  • Conclusion
    • Offer a fitting conclusion that summarizes the key points and underscores the significance of addressing these issues in the post-liberal economy context.


The post-liberal economy in India denotes the era subsequent to the reforms of Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization (LPG) that took place from 1991 onwards. It signifies a transition from a predominantly government-regulated and controlled economy to one steered by an open-market approach and private investments.


Impact of the post-liberal economy on ethnic identity and communalism has been multi-faceted:


  • Accelerated economic growth has led to a diminished emphasis on ethnic and communal identities as a result of increased focus on developmental economics and improved social mobility opportunities.
  • Rise in welfare expenditure has helped lift vulnerable sections out of poverty, reducing ethnic and communal conflicts and the perception of relative deprivation among communities.


  • Uneven regional development and increased migration have fueled ‘Son of the Soil’ movements, reinforcing ethnic identities and leading to tensions between migrant and local communities.
  • Private capital influx has triggered land acquisition in forested regions, displacing tribal communities and diluting their unique identities and traditional ways of life.
  • Western cultural influence and globalization have spurred homogenization of cultures and identities, leading to a perceived threat to local identities, and subsequently, the rise of fringe groups promoting ethnic, religious, and linguistic nationalism.
  • Influx of Gulf money and changes in land ownership patterns have stoked communal currents, particularly evident in states like Kerala.


Ethnic identities and communalism often stem from concerns related to relative deprivation and power dynamics rather than purely cultural or religious factors. Inclusive growth can serve as a potential remedy to address these parochial inclinations.

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