What are the forces that influence ocean currents? Describe their role in fishing Industry of the world. (Answer in 250 words) 15M

Ocean currents can be thought of as rivers in the oceans, moving water along specific paths and directions.

The movement of ocean currents is influenced by two types of forces: primary forces, which initiate the water’s movement, and secondary forces, which direct the currents’ flow.

Primary Force

  • Solar energy heats up the water, causing it to expand and spread from hotter to colder regions, which initiates the movement of water.
  • Wind blowing across the ocean’s surface exerts a force that pushes the water and causes it to move.
  • Gravity pulls the water downward, creating a gradient variation that influences the flow of water.
  • The Coriolis force causes the water to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, which influences the direction of the current.

Secondary Force

  • Landmasses: The interaction of oceans with landmasses can cause changes in the direction of ocean currents. An example of this is the Brazil Current.
  • Salinity: Water with higher salinity is denser than water with lower salinity, which can lead to variations in ocean currents, as denser water tends to sink while relatively lighter water tends to rise.

Ocean currents affect fishing industries in the following ways

  • The creation of fishing zones is attributed to the meeting of cold and warm ocean currents, resulting in areas rich in marine life.
    • Prominent examples of such zones include the North East Pacific Zone, Newfoundland (Labrador & Gulf Stream), and the North West Pacific Zone along Japan (Kuroshio and Oyashio Current).
    • Upwelling is a process in which deep, cold water is brought to the surface of the ocean by currents. It is primarily caused by the interaction of winds and the rotation of the Earth.
  • Ocean Currents and Plankton Movement: Ocean currents play a crucial role in the movement of plankton, which forms the base of the marine food chain. These currents attract fish populations towards them, leading to accumulation of fishes in a particular zone.
    • Upwelling and Nutrient Enrichment: Upwelling is a process in which deep, cold water rises to the surface, bringing with it nutrients that enrich the surface waters. This encourages the growth of plant life, including phytoplankton, which forms the basis of the marine food chain.
  • Shelf Life of Fish: Cold ocean currents support longer shelf life for fishes as compared to warm ocean currents, leading to non-perishable fish products.
  • Ecological Balance and Oxygen Level: Ocean currents help maintain ecological balance by transferring water to areas of less oceanic current and low fish population to maintain oxygen levels and fish populations. Examples include the Sargasso Sea and Dead Zones.

While ocean currents play a significant role in creating fishing zones, the use of technology can be leveraged to develop fishing industries in other potential areas.

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