UPSC Daily Current Affairs - 3rd March 2023

UPSC Daily Current Affairs – Prelims [3rd March 2023]

Aurangabad to Sambhaji Nagar – history of the place

Source – TH

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Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar is the new name for Aurangabad following approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Aurangzeb’s tomb

The final resting place of Aurangzeb, the Mughal emperor, is located in Khuldabad near Aurangabad, which is situated in the state of Maharashtra, India.

Tomb of Dilras Banu Begum

In 1660, Aurangzeb constructed Bibi ka Maqbara in Aurangabad as a memorial for his wife. This architectural masterpiece, which is adorned with burnished stucco, is half the size of the Taj Mahal and introduced a new style of architecture during the 17th and 18th centuries.

Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar

The city of Aurangabad was recently renamed after Shivaji’s son, who was captured and humiliated by Aurangzeb.

Mohammed Bin Tughlaq

In 1327, the individual who moved the entire population of Delhi to Daulatabad and made it his capital, caused many casualties in the process.

The fort located in Daulatabad was initially the capital of the Yadava dynasty and later became a part of the Ahmednagar Sultanate.

Ajanta-Ellora caves

Located in Aurangabad

The Ajanta caves are a collection of 30 rock-cut Buddhist monuments dating back to the second century BC.

The Ellora caves are the largest rock-cut Hindu temple, consisting of 100 caves that were built during the Rashtrakuta and Yadava dynasties.

Both the Ajanta and Ellora caves are prehistoric UNESCO World Heritage Sites that predate the Mughal and Maratha eras in the history of Aurangabad.

13th-century temple discovered at Pushpagiri Kshetram in Kadapa district

Source – TH

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Recently, the ruins of a 13th-century Hindu temple were discovered to the northeast of the Durga temple, situated on a hillock in the Pushpagiri Kshetram of Vallur Mandal in Kadapa district.

  • The hillock, popularly known as Pushpachala, is renowned for its chain of temples that are devoted to the pantheon of Hindu gods. The River Penna flows towards the southwest.
  • Pushpagiri is commonly known as Hari-Hara Kshetra, owing to the presence of numerous temples dedicated to both Shiva and Vishnu.

Features of the temple

  • The architectural traits of the ruins suggest that they are similar in style to a temple in Vallur, which was built by the Kayastha rulers during the 13th century AD.
  • The Kayasthas, who were ruled by the Kakatiya dynasty, including the notable Ambadeva, governed the area with Vallur serving as their capital city.

The ancient fortified city of Sisupalgarh

Source – TH

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A portion of the fortified ancient city wall of Sisupalgarh was damaged by land grabbers. Sisupalgarh is an impressive archaeological site that has remained intact for over 2,600 years, located on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar.

About Sisupalgarh

  • Sisupalgarh, thought to have been constructed during the 7th to 6th century BCE, functioned as the capital of the Kalinga kingdom and was a significant hub for trade and commerce during ancient times.
  • The urban area spanned an area of 1.2 km by 1 km and was encircled by a moat, which is a wide and deep trench around the walls of a castle or fortress that is usually filled with water.
  • The city’s water management system was unique, and the fortification of the city was conducted during the 4th to 3rd century BCE, when King Kharavela undertook the city’s renovation 2,100 years ago.

The Sisupalgarh site was initially excavated in 1948, after it was designated a Centrally Protected Monument under the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act of 1904.


Porter Prize 2023

Source – NewsonAir

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The Porter Prize 2023 has been awarded to the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry.

  • The award acknowledges the Government’s approach to controlling COVID-19.
  • The participation of several stakeholders, notably the involvement of ASHA workers in the production of PPE kits, was recognized.
  • Furthermore, the award highlighted that India’s achievement in vaccine development and production at a significant scale was remarkable.

About Porter Prize

The Porter Prize is named in honor of Michael E. Porter, an acclaimed economist who has applied economic theory and strategic concepts to address numerous complex issues faced by businesses, economies, and societies. These issues include market competition and corporate strategy, environmental concerns, healthcare, and economic development.

Constitution of Greater Panna Landscape Council (GPLC)

Source – PIB

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The Ken-Betwa Link Project (KBLP) aims to alleviate drought conditions in the Bundelkhand region. As a component of this project, an Integrated Landscape Management Plan (ILMP) has been developed to preserve wildlife and biodiversity in the Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR) and its surrounding regions.

  • To oversee the execution of the landscape plan, a committee called the GPLC has been established.

Objectives of GPLC

  • Enhance habitat management, particularly for flagship species such as tigers, vultures, and gharials in the area.
  • Strengthen the landscape to promote biodiversity conservation.
  • Implement species-specific and site-specific monitoring techniques.

What is Integrated Landscape Management?

The concept is aimed at achieving sustainable and equitable multi-functional landscapes that balance the needs of people and the environment. It involves promoting sustainable agricultural practices, delivering ecosystem services, preserving cultural heritage and values, and supporting rural livelihoods.

Greater Panna Landscape Council (GPLC)

SMART-PDS should be implemented in all states/UTs

Source – LM

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The implementation of SMART-PDS has been urged by the government to all states/UTs to take action as soon as possible.

What is SMART-PDS?

SMART-PDS is a technology-driven approach that aims to minimize human involvement and automate the entire PDS supply chain, ensuring efficient and accurate distribution of food grains to beneficiaries. The system involves the use of real-time tracking from procurement to distribution, enabling authorities to monitor the supply chain and address any issues or bottlenecks that may arise.


  • Smart Ration Card is a technological advancement in the Public Distribution System (PDS) that aims to streamline the process of ration distribution to beneficiaries.
  • Fingerprint Template refers to the digital record of the beneficiaries’ fingerprints that is stored in the Smart Ration Card. This enables the card to record all the transactions made by the beneficiaries.

Other Features

  • The complete expansion of SMART-PDS is Scheme for Modernization and Reforms through Technology in Public Distribution System.
  • The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution is the nodal ministry for SMART-PDS.
  • Andhra Pradesh has successfully implemented the SMART-PDS system.
  • The objective of SMART-PDS is to introduce a transparent and accountable system, reduce human intervention, and promote automation in the existing processes of the Public Distribution System.

Asia Energy Transition Initiative (AETI)

Source – DTE

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India will be supported by Japan in its clean energy transition through the Asia Energy Transition Initiative (AETI). The initiative was launched to assist the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) nations in achieving net-zero emissions. Japan has pledged to provide financial assistance of $10 billion for renewable energy in India.

Features under AETI

 Features under AETI

Indian States’ electricity transition Report

Source – LM

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According to the recent report “Indian States’ Electricity Transition Report”, Karnataka and Gujarat are leading the way in adopting cleaner energy transition among Indian states. On the other hand, states such as Bihar, West Bengal, and Uttar Pradesh are lagging behind in the transition.

  • The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) has released a report that provides information on the progress and performance of Indian states in various aspects of the clean electricity transition.

What is Electricity Transition?

The term denotes the transition away from using fossil fuels for generating and consuming power, and instead moving towards utilizing renewable energy sources (RES) such as wind and solar.

Four Parameters considered for ranking are:

  • Assessing states’ readiness to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources (RES) through decarbonization efforts.
  • Rating the performance of power systems, including the performance of distribution companies (Discoms) and outstanding loans.
  • Evaluating the preparedness of the power ecosystem, such as the implementation of smart metering and feeder segregation.
  • Examining policies and political commitments, such as circular economy initiatives and battery policies, to determine their impact on the transition towards RES.


The focus of the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) is to analyze matters concerning energy markets, trends, and policies.

Does space weather cause flight delays?

Source – DTE

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A recent study has uncovered that adverse space weather can pose safety concerns for air travel and lead to flight delays.

What is Space Weather?

It characterizes the circumstances within the space region near the Earth, specifically regarding the existence of solar wind, coronal mass ejections, geomagnetic storms, and charged particles emitted by the sun. These phenomena can potentially impact human activity and technology.

Aztec hummingbirds, Indian sunbirds

Source – TH

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According to a recent study, Hummingbirds have become more proficient at breaking down sugar molecules for energy during fast-hovering flight due to the absence of a gene (FBP2).

About Aztecs

From 1300 to 1521, the Aztecs thrived as a Mesoamerican civilization located in central Mexico during the post-classic era.

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