Universal Adult Franchise
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Universal Adult Franchise – Indian Polity Notes

Universal Adult Franchise or the Right to Vote for all citizens is an important tool in hands of the citizenry which they are often unaware of its utility. In past, it was privileged that belonged to the rich and elite but after gaining independence, it was granted to the masses, arming them with tools to exercise political rights.

As Dr. Ambedkar had put it, ‘the voting rights for all is the weapon of most oppressed sections of society for demanding politico legal equality for the oppressed. It not only granted politico-legal equality but ensured the survival of democracy.

Historical Context:

During British Rule, early political leaders demanded the representations of Indians in policy formation. Britishers by adopting a carrot and stick approach, on one hand, introduced hollow legislation which provided powerless legislation, and on the other hand, came down heavily on the freedom fighters who rose against the British yoke.

The Indian Councils Act of 1861 created the legislative council, which was to be a nominated body. The Council Act of 1892 provided for some Indian representation in the Council.

The first elective element for Indians on the council was provided in the Councils Act of 1901. Further, the Government of India Act 1919 provided for a bicameral legislature at the Centre: Council of States and Central Legislative Assembly. It had many criteria to be fulfilled to get the right to vote, like Education, Payment of Taxes, etc. The right to vote was very limited. 

In 1919-29 all British Provinces and Princely States granted women the right to vote and contest elections subject to certain conditions.

In pre Independence era, the leaders recognized the importance of universal adult franchises and this was incorporated in the Nehru Report of 1928 and the Karachi Resolution of 1931.

Meaning and Significance of Universal Adult Franchise:

The word ‘Franchise’ is derived from the French word ‘franc’ which means free. It means freedom to vote and elect representatives. It simply means the right of individuals to vote and elect another individual who in turn acts as their representative.

Universal Adult Franchise means the right to vote will be given to every adult individual irrespective of any differences, there will be no discrimination against anyone. In India, all individuals of age 18 years or more are entitled to the right to vote given that their name is on the electoral rolls.

The principal in the Indian context owes its origins to the idea of democracy and equality. Any kind of discrimination acts as an impediment to the idea of equality enshrined in Fundamental Rights. The further constitution has renounced all forms of discriminatory practices which lower the dignity of individuals. Restricting anyone from exercising the right to vote is denying him the right to equality. 

Further having chosen the representative democracy of Westminster Style, it is imperative for the proper functioning of our polity that elections are conducted in regular intervals and eligible votes exercise their right to vote.

Evolution of Universal Adult Franchise:

Adult Franchise was never Universal in history. It was always based on class, caste, gender, education, income, house size, etc. The privileged class used to have this right as an additional privilege.

Till the second decade of the 20th Century, even the Western World which was once considered a champion of democracy didn’t have a universal adult franchise. After the second world war, most Western countries liberalized their voting-related laws and allowed women and other groups to have the right to vote. France did this in 1945 and Switzerland did it in 1973.

Indian Constituent Assembly in their wisdom had provided a universal adult franchise for all citizens aged 21 and above irrespective of any differences. To widen the base of eligible votes 61st Constitutional Amendment Act was enacted which reduced the minimum age criteria from 21 years to 18 years.

Constitutional Provisions of Universal Adult Franchise:

Article 326 defines a universal adult franchise as the basis for elections to all levels of the elected government. The universal Adult Franchise refers that all citizens who are 18 years and above irrespective of their caste or education, religion, color, race, and economic conditions are free to vote.

Importance of Universal Adult Franchise in India:

Having seen no value given to the needs of the masses during British Rule, Indian leaders were determined to grant the masses the right to express themselves politically by means of the right to vote. It was an essential facet of political democracy, which ensured the popular participation of the masses in elections.

It was a giant step forward for the nascent democracy of India when the first general election was conducted in 1951-52. It was the biggest experiment of democracy ever conducted on Earth. With a mere 18% literate population, the policymakers were skeptical about population will respond. For this election symbols in pictorial form, were introduced for easy recognition. Despite low literacy and despite never being allowed to vote earlier, the majority cheerfully participated in this Election.

From First General Elections to the recent 2019, Indian democracy stood strong due to its universal adult suffrage, which allowed the masses to express themselves politically and participate in policy formation by sending representatives.


Due to the universalization of voting rights, people got a sense of ownership over the Government and the feeling that they are not being ruled by a foreign government.

From Gram Panchayat to the Highest Panchayat of the Country (House of People or Lok Sabha) the representatives are selected directly from the people.

At the end of seventy-five years, what one needs is a re-commitment to the principles of democracy, fair play, and representation of the most deprived sections of Indian society enshrined in our Constitution; this is to be safeguarded by the highest body representing its people: The Parliament.

Practice Questions:


Que.1 Which of the following acts passed by the British Parliament granted elective elements for the first time in India?

a) Councils Act 1892
b) Councils Act 1901
c) Government of India Act 1909
d) Government of India Act 1919

Answer: Councils Act 1901

Que.2 When the Universal adult franchise was granted to citizens of India by the constituent assembly, what was the minimum age to decide to make citizens eligible for the right to vote?

a) 18 years
b) 21 years
c) 25 years
d) None of above

Answer: 21 years.

Que. 3 Consider the following statements and choose the correct statement:

  1. Nehru Report of 1928, demanded universal adult franchise and rights for women.
  2. Dr. B R Ambedkar argued for the universal adult franchise in front of the Simon Commission

a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: Both 1 and 2

Que. 4 Which of the following constitutional amendments lowered the minimum age required to vote in elections from 21 years to 18 years?

a) 61st Amendment Act
b) 64th Amendment Act
c) 73rd Amendment Act
d) 93rd Amendment Act

Answer: 61st Amendment Act  


Que. How the universal adult suffrage granted to citizens under article 326, changed the course of political democracy in India from colonial rule to independent India. Discuss (150 Words, 10 Marks)

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