The Pala period is the most significant phase in the history of Buddhism in India. Enumerate. (150 words, 10 marks)

The Pala dynasty, established by Gopala, governed Bengal and Bihar from the 8th to the 11th century. Their dominion encompassed Bengal and significant parts of Bihar, with major cities like Pataliputra, Gauda, Somapura, Monghyr, Ramvati, Vikramapur, and Jaggadala. Being Buddhists, the Pala kings implemented initiatives and policies that contributed to the flourishing of Buddhism.

Contribution of the Pala rulers in promoting Buddhism:

  1. Architecture: The Pala rulers constructed various Maha viharas, Stupas, Chaityas, Temples, and forts, with notable sites like Nalanda, Vikramashila, and Somapura Mahavihara. These architectural marvels showcased the richness of Buddhist culture and beliefs.
  1. Paintings: Pala paintings were characterized by sinuous lines, delicate elegance, and subdued tones. Scenes from Buddha’s life and Mahayana deities were depicted, influenced by tantric elements. Wall paintings were discovered in Nalanda district.
  1. Universities: Pala period saw the rise of Buddhist universities like Vikramshila and Odantipur, becoming centers for Buddhist studies. Scholars from around the world came to learn about Buddhism, and Pala teachers spread the faith to Southeast Asia.
  1. Sculpture: The Pala rulers created numerous stone and bronze sculptures, mostly depicting Buddhist themes. Additionally, sculptures of Hindu deities like Surya, Vishnu, and Ganesh were also crafted.
  1. Foreign Policy: The Palas established good connections with Southeast Asia and the Middle East, promoting new trade routes. They granted support to foreign scholars, fostering cultural exchanges.
  1. Literature: During the Pala rule, Buddhist texts like ‘Charyapada‘ were compiled in the Bangla language. Noteworthy Buddhist poets like Vajradatta thrived under King Devapala.
  1. Vajrayana Buddhism: The Pala period saw significant development and spread of Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism in India. Tantric practices gained popularity for achieving spiritual liberation quickly.

The Pala dynasty created an environment where Buddhist philosophies could flourish and be discussed without prejudice. Their contributions not only enriched Buddhism in India but also facilitated its spread globally, leaving a lasting legacy visible to this day.

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