Since the decade of the 1920s, the national movement acquired various ideological strands and thereby expanded its social base. Discuss. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Since the decade of the 1920s, the national movement acquired various ideological strands and thereby expanded its social base. Discuss. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Approach Introduction The 1920s marked a significant turning point in the history of the Indian National Movement. The pivotal events…

Evaluate the nature of Bhakti Literature and its contribution to Indian culture. (Answer in 150 words)

“Bhakti,” stemming from Sanskrit for “devotion,” is a medieval Indian spiritual movement expressed through poetic and literary works dedicated to deities and revered figures. This literature has profoundly impacted religious practices, culture, and society in India.

A sustainable economy is dependent on growth, and its recovery is dependent on a fiscal push by the Government. Critically comment. (250 words)
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A sustainable economy is dependent on growth, and its recovery is dependent on a fiscal push by the Government. Critically comment. (250 words)

Question on Sustainable Economy Difficulty Level: Moderate Fiscal stimulus refers to increasing government consumption or lowering of taxes. A fiscal…

Personal Data Protection Law is important to render an effective fundamental right to privacy in India. Comment. (150 words)
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Personal Data Protection Law is important to render an effective fundamental right to privacy in India. Comment. (150 words)

Question on Data Protection Difficulty Level: Easy Data protection involves a process involving a relation between the collection and dissemination…