NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ENGLISH – Chapter 4 – (Poem) Beauty

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4 Beauty

Working with the poem

Question 1.

The poet says, “Beauty is heard in …”

Can you hear beauty? Add a sound that you think is beautiful to the sounds the poet thinks are beautiful.

The poet, Keats, said:

Heard melodies are sweet,

But those unheard are sweeter.

What do you think this means? Have you ever ‘heard’ a song in your head long after the song was sung or played?


We often experience the beauty of sound. For instance, the melodic tunes of a guitar, the sweet song of a cuckoo, the gentle patter of raindrops on the ground, and the soft whispers of a breeze are all delightful to our ears.

The saying, “Heard melodies are sweet,

But those unheard are sweeter,” conveys that our imagination can create sounds that surpass reality in beauty. The heard melodies are the ones played in the present, while the unheard are the symphonies our minds compose within our hearts. These imagined sounds resonate sweeter and deeper within us, captivating our senses.

Personally, I’ve found myself hearing songs in my mind long after they’ve been sung or played. These tunes are my favorites, lingering in my thoughts and leaving an indelible mark on my musical appreciation.

Question 2.

Read the first and second stanzas of the poem again. Note the following phrases.

corn growing, people working or dancing, wind sighing, rain falling, a singer chanting

These could be written as

• corn that is growing

• people who are working or dancing

Can you rewrite the other phrases like this? Why do you think the poet uses shorter phrases?


Here are additional instances of these concise expressions: a flowing stream, a blowing wind, laughing children, a shouting mob, and so on. They can be rephrased as: a stream that is flowing, a wind that is blowing, children who are laughing, and a mob that is shouting.

I believe the poet employs these brief phrases to infuse a musical cadence into the poetic verses.

Question 3.

Find pictures of beautiful things you have seen or heard of.


Here are descriptions of some beautiful things:

  1. Sunset by the Ocean:

Imagine a breathtaking sunset painting the sky in hues of pink, orange, and gold as it dips below the horizon, reflecting its vibrant colors on the calm ocean waves.

  1. Snow-Capped Mountains:

Picture majestic mountains adorned with a fresh blanket of glistening, white snow, set against a clear blue sky—an awe-inspiring and serene sight.

  1. Colorful Hot Air Balloons:

Envision a sky dotted with vibrant and multicolored hot air balloons, rising gracefully, creating a kaleidoscopic display against the backdrop of the early morning or evening sky.

  1. Lush Fields of Flowers:

Picture expansive fields adorned with an array of colorful flowers in full bloom, creating a captivating and picturesque landscape, with hues ranging from vibrant reds to soft blues.

Question 4.

Write a paragraph about beauty. Use your own ideas along with the ideas in the poem. (You may discuss your ideas with your partner.)


Beauty is a captivating symphony that plays across the canvas of existence. It’s a harmonious blend of colors, both vibrant and subtle, painting the world in mesmerizing strokes. Like the poet’s notion, beauty isn’t merely in the heard melodies, but it’s also in the unheard, resonating within our imagination and hearts. It’s the delicate petals of a blooming flower, the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind, and the infectious laughter of children at play. Beauty lies in the majestic mountains, the tranquil lakes, and the ever-changing dance of the stars in the night sky. It’s in the kindness that people share, the art that inspires, and the love that binds. Beauty isn’t confined to the visual; it transcends into emotions, actions, and thoughts, creating a tapestry that weaves the essence of life. It’s a melody composed by the universe, where every note, whether seen or felt, contributes to the exquisite composition of our world.

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