NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ENGLISH – Chapter 4 – Kalpana Chawla

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4 – An Indian – American Woman in Space Kalpana Chawla


A. Answer the following questions.

Question 1. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian – American? (3)

Answer: Kalpana Chawla hailed from Karnal, Haryana, where she was born. Following her marriage to an American citizen, she obtained naturalized American citizenship, earning her the title of Indian-American.

Question 2. When and why did she go to the U.S.? Who did she marry? (2, 3)

Answer: She pursued advanced studies in aeronautical engineering in the U.S. and later married flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison.

Question 3. How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut? (3)

Answer: Applying for NASA’s space shuttle program, she secured a position as a research scientist and was subsequently chosen for astronaut training in 1994.

Question 4. What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist? (6)

Answer: The journalist emphasized that aspiring astronauts require extensive knowledge spanning various fields, including biology, astrophysics, and aeronautical engineering.

Question 5. Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space. (5)

Answer: On her inaugural space mission, Kalpana Chawla spent a total of 15 days, 16 hours, and 34 minutes in space. During this time, she completed 252 orbits around the Earth, covering a distance of 10.75 million kilometers. The crew included astronauts from Ukraine and Japan as well.

Question 6. What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her that success is possible?

Answer: Kalpana says, “The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get onto it… Wishing you a great journey.”

Yes, I do agree with her that with vision and courage, success is possible.

B. Read the newspaper report to find the following facts about Columbia’s ill-fated voyage.

1. Date and place of lift-off: ___________

2. Number of astronauts on board: ___________

3. Number of days it stayed in space: ___________

4. Number of experiments done by scientists: ___________

5. Date of return journey: ___________

6. Height at which it lost contact: ___________


1. Date and place of lift-off: 16 January 2003

2. Number of astronauts on board: Seven

3. Number of days it stayed in space: 15 days, 16 hours, and 34 minutes

4. Number of experiments done by scientists: 80

5. Date of return journey: 1 February 2003

6. Height at which it lost contact: 200000 feet


A. Match the following:

unprecedented space tragedysomething that causes feelings of respect and wonder
certified flight instructorhaving knowledge of a wide variety of subjects
space missionnowadays, in these times
super specialisationa set of jobs to be done in space by a group
encyclopedic knowledgea person with the correct qualification to teach people to fly planes
awe-inspiringa sad accident of a kind that has never happened before in space
in this agegreat expertise in a limited field or a particular subject


unprecedented space tragedya sad accident of a kind that has never happened before in space
certified flight instructora person with the correct qualification to teach people to fly planes
space missiona set of jobs to be done in space by a group
super specialisationgreat expertise in a limited field or a particular subject
encyclopedic knowledgehaving knowledge of a wide variety of subjects
awe-inspiringsomething that causes feelings of respect and wonder
in this agenowadays, in these times

B. Use these phrases in sentences of your own, after finding out their meanings.

1. broke apart 4. lifted off 7. cheered along

2. streaked over 5. blast off 8. on board

3. spread across 6. went on 9. carry on


1. broke apart – The old building finally broke apart after years of decay.

2. streaked over – The meteor streaked over the night sky, leaving a beautiful trail.

3. spread across – The news of the invention spread across the scientific community rapidly.

4. lifted off – The rocket lifted off smoothly, carrying a crew of astronauts.

5. blast off – The spacecraft prepared for blast off, the engines roaring with power.

6. went on – Despite the challenges, they went on with determination to achieve their goal.

7. cheered along – The crowd cheered along as the team scored the winning goal.

8. on board – The astronauts were on board the space station for a lengthy mission.

9. carry on – Despite the setbacks, they decided to carry on with their research project.

C. We add ‘un-’ to make opposites.

For example, true — untrue.

Add ‘un’– to the words below to make their opposites. Then look up the meanings of the words you have formed in the dictionary.

1. identified __________ 

2. controlled __________

3. attended __________ 

4. successful __________ 

5. important __________ 

6. educated__________ 

7. interesting ______

8. qualified ________

9. trained ___________

10. answerable ________


1. identified – unidentified 

2. controlled – uncontrolled

3. attended – unattended 

4. successful – unsuccessful 

5. important – unimportant 

6. educated – uneducated 

7. interesting – uninteresting

8. qualified – unqualified

9. trained – untrained

10. answerable – unanswerable


Question 1. In her message to students of her college, Kalpana Chawla said, “May you have the vision to find the path from dreams to success… Wishing you a great journey.”

Form pairs. Use “May you…” and “I wish you/Wishing you” to wish your partner good luck and success in

(i) a sports event,

(ii) a quiz or a competition, and

(iii) a test or examination.

Be sure to thank your partner when she/he wishes you in turn. You may also look up a telephone directory, or go to a post office, and get a list in English and Hindi of standard phrases that can be sent in greeting telegrams anywhere in India. Discuss which of these you might use, and when. Compare the English and Hindi phrases for expressing good wishes. Do you know such phrases in any other language?


(i) I will you perform well in the sports event.

(ii) I wish you ace the quiz competition!

(iii) Wishing you all the best for your examination.


A. Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do?

Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do. Then say (in another paragraph) how you think you can make your dream come true.


I dream of becoming a successful scientist, discovering new things, and helping the world with my research. I’m passionate about understanding the natural world and finding solutions to problems that can make a positive impact on people’s lives. Whether it’s finding a cure for diseases or creating more sustainable technologies, I want to contribute to making the world a better place through scientific discoveries.

To make my dream come true, I will focus on my studies and excel in science and math subjects. I’ll engage in extracurricular activities related to science, participate in science fairs, and seek out mentorship from teachers and professionals in the field. Reading books, watching educational videos, and staying updated with the latest scientific advancements will also be crucial. Additionally, I’ll pursue higher education in a scientific discipline, work hard in my academic pursuits, collaborate with other aspiring scientists, and never give up, even when facing challenges. By staying dedicated and persistent, I believe I can achieve my dream of becoming a successful scientist and making meaningful contributions to the world.

B. Given below are some words that are spelt differently in British and American English. Fill in the blanks accordingly.




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