NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ENGLISH – Chapter 3 – The Shepherd’s Treasure

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Unit 3 – The Shepherd’s Treasure

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Unit 3 – The Shepherd’s Treasure from the Supplementary Reader – A Pact with the Sun can be downloaded for free from ThoughtChakra. These solutions will assist students in understanding the chapter well and achieving good marks in the English exam. The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English have been carefully put together by our team of experts to provide accurate solutions for Class 6 students.

The story, “The Shepherd’s Treasure,” is a tale from Iran. It’s about a smart and truthful shepherd who gets rewarded by the king for being honest, wise, and good-hearted. The goal of this chapter is to guide students and help them understand the importance of being kind, humble, wise, and compassionate towards others. Students can learn more about the story by using the NCERT Solutions.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Unit 3 – The Shepherd’s Treasure

Exercise Questions

Question 1:

The shepherd hadn’t been to school because

(i) he was very poor.

(ii) there were very few schools in those days.

(iii) he wasn’t interested in studies.

Choose the right answer.


(ii) there were very few schools in those days.

Question 2:

Who visited the shepherd one day, and why?


The king of Iran visited a clever shepherd because he heard about how wise and friendly the shepherd was. To keep it a surprise, the king dressed up as a shepherd and rode on a mule to meet the kind-hearted shepherd.

Question 3:

Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd?


The king was happy with how the smart shepherd welcomed him and decided to make him the leader of a small area. The people admired and respected him because he was clever, caring, and good-hearted. Soon, his reputation spread across the country. But, the leaders of other areas got very envious and started saying bad things about him to the king.

Question 4:

Why was the new governor called to the palace?


The leaders from different areas were very jealous of the new leader. He was famous for being smart, caring, and kind. They said untrue things about him to the king, accusing him of being dishonest. They lied, claiming he kept some of the tax money for himself in a locked chest. After listening to these lies, the king called the new leader to the palace and asked him to explain why he always had a locked chest with him.

Question 5:

Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back?


Everyone in the palace was delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back when the new governor arrived because they thought that the iron chest contained gold, silver and jewels in it. They knew if the king found the treasure inside the chest, he would dismiss the new governor from his duties and punish him for his bad deeds.

Question 6:

(i) What did the iron chest contain?

(ii) Why did the shepherd always carry it?

(iii) Is it an example of the shepherd’s humility or wisdom or both?


(i) Inside the strong iron chest, there was just an old blanket.

(ii) The shepherd always kept this old blanket in the iron chest because it was very special to him. He believed it would still keep him safe, even if the king took away his job and authority.

(iii) This shows the shepherd was humble, smart, and kind-hearted.

Question 7:

How did the king reward the new governor?


The king was very happy with the new leader’s humbleness, smart thinking, and truthfulness. He quickly rewarded the wise man and made him a leader of a larger area on the same day.

Frequently Asked Questions about NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Supplementary English Chapter 3

Q1. Where can I find the best NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Supplementary Chapter 3?

You can find the top-notch NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Supplementary Chapter 3 at ThoughtChakra. These solutions are designed by subject experts to aid students in their revision. They strictly follow the CBSE syllabus and guidelines, ensuring thorough exam preparation. Each answer is carefully crafted by experts to help students enhance their problem-solving skills. The solutions are available in PDF format on ThoughtChakra for easy downloading and access by students.

Q2. Why was the new governor summoned to the palace, as explained in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Supplementary Chapter 3?

The governors of other provinces were very envious of the recently appointed governor, who was famous for being wise, compassionate, and good-hearted. They falsely accused him of dishonesty and reported to the king that he was keeping some of the tax money in an iron chest for himself. After hearing these accusations, the king called the new governor to the palace and asked him to explain why he always carried an iron chest with him.

Q3. Are the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Supplementary Chapter 3 sufficient for CBSE students?

CBSE students are recommended to select the best available study materials in the market. The NCERT Solutions from ThoughtChakra are created by experts with the primary goal of helping students excel in their board exams. These solutions are beneficial for students who find it challenging to answer textbook questions, as they provide a comprehensive understanding of the chapter. The solutions also help clarify any questions that may arise while studying the chapter.

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