NCERT Solutions for Class 6 ENGLISH – Chapter 3 – (Poem) The Quarrel

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 3 The Quarrel

Working with the poem

Question 1:

With your partner try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.

(i) And somehow we fell out.

(ii) The afternoon turned black.


(i) “Fell out” – Fell out means to have a disagreement or argument.

(ii) “Turned black” – Turned black refers to something being spoiled or wasted due to a negative or tense mood.

Question 2:

Read these lines from the poem:

(i) One thing led to another

(ii) The start of it was slight

(iii) The end of it was strong

(iv) The afternoon turned black

(v) Thumped me on the back

Discuss with your partner what these lines mean.


(i) The argument escalated as one issue triggered another.

(ii) The initial trigger for the argument was a minor and insignificant matter.

(iii) The quarrel concluded on a bitter note, leaving a lingering impact.

(iv) The dispute soured the mood of those involved, casting a shadow over the otherwise pleasant afternoon.

(v) Offered a friendly pat on the back.

Question 3:

Describe a recent quarrel that you have had with your brother, sister, or friend. How did it start? What did you quarrel about? How did it end?


Sohan is my closest companion at school. I extended an invitation to him for my birthday gathering, but he never showed up. Unexpectedly, his behavior took a peculiar turn, straining our relationship. The following day at school, we engaged in a heated discussion about the incident. For the next few days, we refrained from speaking to one another, and an air of tension and sadness enveloped us both. We both longed for our friendship and, realizing the gap, made the decision to reconcile. Consequently, we faced each other, addressing our differences amicably. We shook hands, exchanged a hug, and made a vow to rejuvenate our friendship in a renewed manner.

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