Examine the status of forest resources of India and its resultant impact on climate change. (Answer in 250 words) 15

Examine the status of forest resources of India and its resultant impact on climate change. (Answer in 250 words) 15


As per the ‘India State of Forest Report 2019’, the combined forest and tree cover in India spans 80.73 million hectares, constituting approximately 24.56% of the nation’s total geographical area. These forested regions and trees provide essential ecosystem benefits and services. Any significant alteration in the existing forest resources, whether directly or indirectly, can impact climate change dynamics.


Forest Resources and Climate Change:

  • Different forest types provide various wood and non-wood resources including food, fiber, oils, and medicinal products
  • Forests are a significant source of minerals and minor forest produce like tendu and honey
  • Despite protection laws, forest resources in India face challenges due to open access, leading to around 78% of forest areas experiencing heavy grazing and unregulated use
  • Illegal mining activities and slash-and-burn agricultural practices further contribute to the degradation of forest resources
  • Population growth has intensified the pressure on forest resources, exacerbating the impact of climate change
  • Forests aid in carbon sequestration and oxygen enrichment in the environment
  • Uncontrolled utilization of forest resources and deforestation disrupts the carbon cycle, leading to increased global temperatures, changes in wind patterns, and precipitation levels
  • Climate change increases the risk of droughts in some areas and extreme precipitation and flooding in others
  • Rising temperatures accelerate iceberg melting, resulting in rising sea levels and the submergence of coastal areas and islands
  • Unchecked exploitation of forest resources has led to increased incidents of wildfires, storms, insect outbreaks, invasive species, diseases, and human-animal conflicts
  • A comprehensive approach at local and global levels is required to address unchecked human activities in forested areas
  • Initiatives such as mandatory plantation programs along highways, road dividers, and vacant lands along railway tracks can help mitigate the impact of climate change on forests


Hence, a strong correlation exists between climate change and forests. To effectively address the issue of unchecked human activities in forest areas, comprehensive measures are necessary at both local and global levels. Implementing mandatory plantation initiatives along highways, road dividers, and vacant lands along railway tracks, alongside the promotion of sustainable forest resource utilization, can effectively mitigate the challenges posed by climate change on forest ecosystems.

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