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Composition of the Constituent Assembly

The constituent assembly had 385 members, of which 292 members were from the provisional legislative assemblies, and 93 were nominated from the Princely states. Delegates from the province of Ajmer-Marwar, Delhi, British Balunchistan, and Coorg were also a part of the assembly.

It was a partly elected and partly nominated body. The elections were indirect in the provincial assemblies. The provincial assemblies were themselves elected on a limited franchise. But even though it was an indirect election, an attempt was made to make sure all the sections of the society were presented.

1 million people were to be represented by one seat. The seats in the British provinces were split among the Muslim, Sikh and General (neither Muslim nor Sikh) communities according to their population.

  • Voting method was proportional representation by means of single transferable vote.
  • Princely states representatives were chosen by Princely heads.
  • In the 1946 elections for the Constituent Assembly, Congress gained 208 seats, Muslim League 73, and the rest gained 15 seats.
  • The Princely states boycotted the Constituent Assembly.
  • All except Gandhi and Jinnah were a part of the Assembly among the significant figures
  • This Constituent Assembly became the sovereign constituent assembly for the Dominion of India.

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