Branches of Economics - UPSC Economy Notes

Branches of Economics – UPSC Notes – Economy

Economics, a foundational social science, is central to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Within this field, two crucial branches—microeconomics and macroeconomics—take center stage. These branches are essential components of the Economics Basics crucial for mastering the UPSC IAS Exam Syllabus.

Two Main Branches of Economics and their Utility

Economics is divided into two core facets: macroeconomics and microeconomics, each serving a distinct purpose.


This branch meticulously studies the behavior of an entire economy, encompassing markets and large-scale systems. In-depth examination of economy-wide phenomena, including inflation, price levels, economic growth rates, national income, GDP, and shifts in unemployment, form the crux of macroeconomics.


Focused on individual entities, microeconomics delves into the decisions made by individuals and businesses. The allocation of resources for production, exchange, and consumption is a prime area of study. This branch also investigates prices and production within specific markets, as well as the interplay between different markets. While macroeconomics addresses aggregates, microeconomics hones in on singular market dynamics.

What is Economics?

Economics is the study of scarcity, resource utilization, and response to incentives, or the study of decision-making. It investigates how individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make resource allocation decisions. Economics focuses on human actions, with the assumption that humans act rationally, seeking the highest level of benefit or utility. Labor and trade studies are the foundations of economics. Because there are numerous applications for human labor and numerous methods for acquiring resources, it is the task of economics to determine which methods produce the best results.

Other Branches of Economics

In addition to the two perspectives (macroeconomics and microeconomics), economics encompasses various other branches, each specializing in a different area of study:

  • Behavioral Economics – This branch investigates the effects of social, psychological, cognitive, and emotional factors on economic decisions. It primarily employs microeconomics.
  • Ecological Economics – It is the study of the relationship between the economy and the environment, as well as methods for achieving sustainable development.
  • Environmental Economics – Concerned with the development and management of natural resources. It primarily employs microeconomics.
  • Health Economics – The study of the economy of health and health care. Microeconomics is the main focus.
  • Information Economics – The study of how information and information systems influence the economy and economic decisions. It primarily employs microeconomics.
  • International Economics – The study of how economic relations between countries, specifically trade, investment, and labor flows, affect economies. It can use microeconomic models but is primarily concerned with macroeconomic aggregates.
  • Labour Economics – The study of wages, labor employment, and labor (job) markets. It employs many tools from microeconomics and may also include macroeconomic analysis.
  • Monetary Economics – The study of means of payment (money, etc.) markets.
  • Population Economics – The study of demography using economic tools, as well as the relationship between the economy and the population.
  • Public Finance – The study of the government’s role in the economy, including public spending, taxes, and the deficit.
  • Urban Economics – It studies cities using economic tools such as transportation, housing, and crime.


Branches of Economics aid in comprehending the production and exchange efficiency of the concerned sectors. It employs models and assumptions to understand how to create incentives and policies that maximize efficiency.


Question: What are the main branches of economics?

Answer: The main branches of economics are Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

Question: What is the importance of economics?

Answer: Economics is crucial as it helps in understanding the allocation of scarce resources, decision-making processes, and the functioning of economies at both individual and aggregate levels.

Question: What is Microeconomics?

Answer: Microeconomics is the branch of economics that focuses on the study of individual entities, such as individuals and businesses, and their decision-making regarding resource allocation, production, and consumption.

Question: What is Macroeconomics?

Answer: Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that examines the overall performance and behavior of an economy, including factors like inflation, unemployment, national income, and economic growth.

Question: Who is the father of economics?

Answer: The title “father of economics” is often attributed to Adam Smith, an 18th-century Scottish economist and philosopher, known for his seminal work, “The Wealth of Nations.”

Question: What is macroeconomics theory?

Answer: Macroeconomics theory involves the study of economic phenomena at the aggregate level. It explores concepts like national income, employment, inflation, and economic growth to understand and analyze the overall performance of an economy.

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